“No Lady”

By: Angie Cardin



This piece describes a situation I encountered in high school. I hope others can relate to this story, but I hope no one else has experienced it.

Artist Statement

Since high school I’ve been working with poetry and, since the age of 26, I’ve sculpted. Large parts of forty years, three sons, and full-time work, was lost to creating much formal work in either poetry or sculpture, (although those years were very busy!) I’m so grateful that in the years remaining, I have the opportunity to devote the time and energy that each art form requires. The sense of “flow”, when you are deeply immersed in the process of creating, is wonderful.

Angie Cardin


  1. Nancy Bryan on April 11, 2023 at 9:30 am

    Angie, Thank you for writing this very real moment down on paper. Life can be brutal, and for girls who don’t fit “the mold” like Lillian, life can be truly unbearable. I am not surprised you voiced your opinion back then, and I am not surprised that that young woman was silenced. In this piece, you have honored your courage and Lillian’s and the sometimes ugly truth of our “humanity.” You have given voice to the experience.

  2. Sabrina (Brie) Manno on May 15, 2023 at 7:03 pm

    Angie, you are the lady of all ladies. Period. The end. I enjoy reading every single piece you are brave enough to share!

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